Thanks for this really cathartic rant! I HOPE your predictions are right, although assembling anything resembling democracy from the rubble these monster are already leaving is going to be some job. Judges are starting to block some of the madness, though, and there is some hope that not ALL the right wingers on the Supreme Court will want to go down in history as setting fire to the Constitution...

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You’re welcome. I was thinking this morning that even if the house etc flips in the mid-terms and the democrats win everything in 2028, how long will it take to repair everything that 47 and his band of sycophants have dismantled

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Biden/Harris really did a remarkable job of unf--king everything the orange did last go round. But they were so busy doing it they didn't publicize it well enough, and of course Rs stopped listening to anything resembling truth a long time ago. The unelected Nazi is breaking things harder and faster this time but you said it - there's too much competition between those two bozos for him to last long, hopefully. And the fury that's taken over (1600 calls a minute to the White House switchboard now instead of the usual 40) means we just might flip both houses. And that's what we need to do. Or god help the whole world.

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